Who we are

We are Sant Automotive located in Webster Groves, Missouri. Our website address is: https://santauto.com.

What data we collect and why we collect it

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track our website performance, including its performance according to location. When you enter our site, Google Analytics creates a custom tracking code that will tell us information about your location and how you use our site. Your name and identification is not available to us for your privacy.

Bolton Technologies

In order to provide customized service, customers who sign up for automatic service recommendations means that we access information about your vehicle.

Online Purchases

Our website is secure, meaning that any information entered into an input will be encrypted and we don’t have access to that nor can we decrypt it. Therefore, if we ask for any payment information or any personal information regarding billing info and address, we will have record on our web data that you entered info which is encrypted.

How we use your data

We use your data to improve our website and digital marketing strategy. We also use data to create a custom service experience.

Third Parties Involved

We receive data from Google Analytics and Bolton Technologies.

How we Secure Data

We use Google services to save search data. We use a highly esteemed database management system by Bolton Technologies to save customer data from our store. And we use https:// to encrypt input data.

In the case of a Data Breach

In the highly unlikely event of a data breach, we will contact our customers right away.

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